
January 2023

2024 Apr 3rd

I realize you will be reading this after Christmas but today is Christmas Eve. Right now all the driveways are plowed with the trucks all snug in their beds (and will full gas tanks and plugged in too!). My customers, suppliers and staff all have their gifts and the full Limo load of gifts for my house is about to be loaded right at the last minute so a certain puppy has less time to unwrap/eat them. Most years, in my excess spare time, I make cookies to deliver to customers and friends. Some receive nice cookies and some receive the opposite of that. Last year they were moose shaped with silver balls and red sprinkles. This year they were reindeer and if you got some you know what shape they were. Next year we'll see what creative cookies they receive but I'm sure I will come up with something equally as rude to put a smile on their faces, which is really the gift not the cookies themselves. This year was a long one with lots of curve balls, most of them in the form of laws constantly changing with little to no notice and the unbelievable havoc that caused for the business and staff. In the end with all the businesses expanding so much I was also fortunate enough to be able to give back to the community. A few years ago life wasn't so wonderful and one particularly bad year an anonymous person left gift cards for me at work so I was able to buy the gifts for my kids I wouldn't have otherwise been able to. Giving back has honestly been the best part of my Christmas so far. With the help of other donors and businesses I was able to help many local families with their own bills and struggles and I hope it means to them as much as it meant to me when I was the recipient. The best gifts in life aren't necessarily things. Never mind flowers and chocolate- starting my truck and/or sweeping it off are much more heartfelt and appreciated than any gift. Christmas is the same, this year it hasn't been about the gifts but about spending time with family. I will probably never remember what I got the kids this year but I will remember the shopping trip that I was just too exhausted to make and knew I couldn't do alone that turned into hours at the mall laughing and having fun. Then taking my teenage daughter a few days later and after losing her multiple times threatening to tie her to the cart with a leash if she took off one more time. Once again this year I got to be a part of a gift for one of my staff which has been months of scheming with a customer to pretend it was his until tomorrow when someone will find out that it is really wasn't sold to a customer and that his wife and I pulled it off again. A very crazy year that we called 2022 is just about to wrap up. As all years, it has had its ups and downs. The best parts of my year were moving into the new house and bringing home Marlin and learning to love her. Now I don't know what I would do without her, but I bet I would have a lot more toilet paper as that is her new favorite thing to eat. The business has expanded with more plow trucks and firearms than ever. I am ending the year blessed with amazing staff, customers, friends and family. I have got to spend time this year with new friends and old friends alike and share both the laughter and tears that are part of life. I have no idea what tomorrow morning will bring but I sure hope it will be a lot of smiling faces, and not a lot of snow I need to plow. I have no idea what I am getting but the doghouse is now finished so should there be another vacuum under that tree someone will have a warm place to sleep for the foreseeable future. This morning my one vehicle that the entire family can fit into had the heater break so the holiday is already off to a good start. It is broken truck season after all so I would expect nothing less than at least one of them to be acting up. As 2023 approaches I hope each of you had a very Merry Christmas and that your new year is filled with happiness and love.